I was tagged by South Jersey-ite (Jersey-ian?) Kimberly for this meme and it was really perfect timing. My brain is still not functioning properly but this is a fun post to do.
So here we go.
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To
- Turks & Caicos next winter. A long way to go but still I knowing there will be a break next winter is wonderful.
- Warm weather
- Meghan's dance recital
- Playing in kiddie pool with the kiddies
- Fresh corn on the cob
- Getting rid of this stupid cold
- Bedtime (Mine. I'm pretty tired)
- Watching kids play on the beach this summer.
8 Things I Did Yesterday
- Built tents in the living room with the kids
- Got my hair done
- Finally bought a car charger for my iPhone
- Caught up on blogs in my reader
- Made bread
- Bought a Mega Millions ticket
- Ate chocolate chip ice cream with strawberries and chocolate syrup
- Went to bed before 10PM
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
- Sleep past 7AM (I mean I am physically able to. I just need the kids to let me.)
- Spend a summer evening outside without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes
- Roll my "R's"
- Straighten my own hair with a blow dryer
- Type properly instead of pecking at keyboard.
- Travel without getting car/air/sea sick
- Learn how to use Photoshop
- Wear long skirts without looking ridiculous
8 Shows I Watch
- Lost
- Fringe
- 24
- Bones
- Reaper
- The Amazing Race
- The Office
8 People I Tag
I am usually horrible at tagging and avoid it all together. But today I decided to tag people I visit virtually on a regular basis. If you are not familiar with them I would encourage you to take a peek.
Thanks for the tag! Let me see what I can come up with for you!
I did it! Have a great holiday weekend and thanks for the tag.
How did I miss this one? Thanks for the linky love!
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