Thursday, January 17, 2008

Milk = Bad (or so it seems)

If you recall (you being anyone who may read this thing), Sean was not so happy when we tried to move him off of Isomil to a milk-based formula. At his nine month check-up the doctor suggested we wait a few weeks then try just a teaspoon of yogurt.

So we waited, and we were going to try over the holiday break but then he got sick and had an ear infections. So we waited a little longer and tried this past weekend. I put a teaspoon of yogurt in a bowl, got a baby spoon and fed him some. He took maybe half of what was on the baby spoon. Then things started going bad. Poor little guy got all fussy. Started turning a bit red. He was grabbing his ears. Then gagging. Then puking. Needless to say we have not tried that again.

We are now waiting to hear when we can get him an appointment with the allergist and until then I am afraid to give him anything that has any trace of milk in it. It is making it more difficult for me to introduce him to table foods.

Plus, we go on vacation in a few weeks and I am currenlty trying to figure out how I want to bring a weeks worth of baby food to the Carribean. I just got off the phone with someone from Babies Travel Lite and she said that yes they do ship there. However, she said it is very expensive. Like $100 or so just for shipping depending on the weight. Yikes. She recommended sending the order to our house and checking the box on the plane. Not sure what I am going to do yet.